Monday, January 12, 2015

Chinese National Day 国庆节

It's a bit late to be posting about this, but better late than never right? Chinese National Day is always on October 1st, and generally the first seven consecutive days of the month are given as a holiday depending on your job.  As teachers we enjoy the full seven days, although we have to make up some of the teaching days that were not the "official holiday" on the weekend before and after the holiday.  This is a Chinese practice that we still aren't quite adapted to. Anyway, you can imagine that lots of Chinese (and foreigners) are traveling in China during this time. As Xi'an is a big touristy site it's a bit crazy around here during that time.  Maybe not all of the 1.3 billion people of China were in Xi'an, but anytime you were close to downtown or any other site of interest it sure felt like it.

This day is the "birthday" of the People's Republic of China, which was founded on October 1st, 1949 with a ceremony at Tiananmen Square in Beijing.  This National Holiday was one of the first times they had opened Time Square in Xi'an. It's just in front of the South Grate of the Xi'an City Wall and was all done up for the occasion. 

We were very happy to have visitors during that week, even if it meant that we have to brave some hot spots in the city. They are some good American friends from Wuhan who decided to continue the ongoing tradition of being our "Wuhan visitors".  Red was glad she had someone to eat sugar-glazed hawthorns with and Yellow was equally glad to finally try some fried squid at the Muslim Market.

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